Wednesday, November 16, 2005

I've really outdone myself

For those of you who don't know me, I write a monthly column on eBay Motors (weird or notable cars and their prices) for VIN #s were not standardized before 1980, so eBay can't require them. Thing is, it can't go into the magazine if it has no serial number (because it goes in the official SCM database thereafter) or if if did not sell with a winner. There are so many awesomely awful cars out there that do not sell (with good reason), but they certainly deserve to be talked about.

So I started sending these auction postings to my friends..about 60 car guys (and one car girl). I started to add people on there as the months went on, and now I have over 75 people on my mailing list.

I sent so many absurd eBay Motors auctions that I actually had someone unsubscribe! How funny is that? I mean you could obviously delete the emails...or read them later when you are bored? And this Dave Aronica person thinks he's a car guy!

Whatever. Dave was the first person to unsubscribe to my unsolicited missives in the 6+ months that I have been pumping them out. Well, OK there was one other guy, a famous car designer and race team manager who a) didn't want bozos (like Dave Flogaus) "replying all", and b) hated all cars designed by George Barris. So I took him off the list too.

If I am only offending like 2% of my readers I am probably not offensive enough?

I thought I would try out this blog thing to see if I could get a) a bigger audience, and b) some two-way conversation about these ghstly machines I dig up.


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